Sunday, 8 September 2013

ok visas done.  It went through a long and  excruciating process involving multiple sessions with bank contact centres, app reviews, legal departments, emails, phone calls, etc.  Painful and expensive especially during these  student times.

The experience reminded me of some of the equally involving yet colourful interactions I've had with border officials in Africa.  Ever had to surrender travel docs whole plain clothed 'officials' in Burkina Faso spent 2 days scrutinizing every detail? How about paying 20 dollar 'fines' to avoid additional yellow fever vaccinations at Lagos airport? What about being picked up by one of those dark and tinted ViP vans by the infamous protocol agents right outside the aircraft - 10mins later, the agent has completed customs and baggage claims for you while you down a chilled Cola in a Congolese arrivals lounge? Me? Yes.

TIA - This is Africa.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, George.
    The furthest I've got into Africa is Cairo when my brother was there last year. I am going to come to you with a map and a pen, and ask for recommendations continent-wide. I've only heard "TIA" in Blood Diamond - didn't realise it was an actual phrase.
    Looking forward to meeting you.
